2008년 4월 26일 토요일


HCI(human-computer interaction )
-key point
People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people.

-related points: aesthetics & teleology
questions of aesthetics, goals and intentions
do objects, technologies and natural phenomena have goals and intentions?
or, do they just look like they have goals and intentions?
- related points: design
If we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if they do, in fact, have goals and intentions, then we will design like an artificial intelligence researcher.
On the other hand, if we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if the just look like they have goals and intentions, then we will design like a tool builder for human “users” or “operators” of our tools.
-history of HCI
-Q.what problem does Weizenbaum’s ELIZA system address or solve?
the artificial intelligence answer: it does (or does not) behave like a human and is therefore successful (or not successful)
the ethnomethodology answer: it is taken to be a like a person in a conversation and thus simply works like most other technologies in a social situation
-Johnstone’s “algorithm”
-ethnomethodology: a definition
Ethnomethodology simply means the study of the ways in which people make sense of their social world.
-Ethnomethodology differs from other sociological perspectives in one very important respect:
Ethnomethodologists assume that social order is illusory. They believe that social life merely appears to be orderly; in reality it is potentially chaotic. For them social order is constructed in the minds of social actors as society confronts the individual as a series of sense impressions and experiences which she or he must somehow organise into a coherent pattern.

2008년 4월 12일 토요일


Alan Turing ...
who was founder of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, and a gay man.
The father of modern computing.
He originted the Turing Test and Turing Machine.
The Bombe, machine for Enigma decryption was invented.
Turing’s “imitation game”...
-“It is [the man's] object in the game to try and cause [the interrogator] to make the wrong identification.”
-“The object of the game for [the woman] is to help the interrogator.”
Can machines(computer) think? Then, What is think???
artificial intelligence ...
-“... artificial intelligence [AI] is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence [as] if done by [humans]”
planning as a technical problem...
-GPS planning as a technical problem (1957)
separated its knowledge of problems from its strategy of how to solve problems : not real-world problems : Soar
GPS as a “solution”: The General Problem Solver by Herbert Simon, Allen Newell, and Clifford
–story generation as a planning problem (1976)
TALESPIN as a “solution”
–story understanding as a plan recognition problem (1977)
FRUMP (Fast Reading, Understanding, and Memory Program) as a “solution”
–question answering as a problem
ELIZA as a “solution”
demo of ELIZA

2008년 4월 5일 토요일


social networks
key points
1.New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people.
2.(BUT) When new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.
social networks as science
•social network analysis is an interdisciplinary social science, but has been of especial concern to sociologists;
•recently, physicists and mathematicians have made large contributions to understanding networks in general (as graphs) and thus contributed to an understanding of social networks too.
•bridging capital /bonding capital
social networks as technology
-many networks.
-trick(invention) is possible.
•amazon.com’s feature
advantage: know think of other people,
disadvantage: exposure of inforamtion of oneself
social networks as popular culture
•friendster, orkut, tribe, cyworld etc.
social networks as art
•people are directly made network. forexample relation map