2008년 6월 7일 토요일
-what is “resistance” in digital media?
tactics and means to oppose the strategies of “The Prince”, countering the techniques, “technologies of power” that impose isolation, distraction, domination through surveillance, entertainment, and force.
-examples of “electronic disturbance”
virus, trojan horse, worm , bomb, back door.
-what is a software virus?
A cracker program that searches out other programs and `infects' them by embedding a copy of itself in them.
2008년 5월 24일 토요일
introduction to information technology
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” _Benjamin Franklin
-technologies of surveillance
example: Viisage & Superbowl XXXV
#so many things around us.
-capture model
is built upon linguistic metaphors and takes as its prototype the deliberate reorganization of industrial work activities to allow computers to track them [the work activities] in real time.
-digital media versus computer science
digital media studies: some architectures (e.g., democratic ones) are best designed to be inefficient.
computer science: efficiency is almost always considered to be a virtue: efficient architectures are usually good architectures.
-monitoring on the web
Q.what does your web browser reveal about you?
#When you come back long loding image time is more faster...easy.
That is, To convenience, faster.
Q.standard HTTP headers:
From: User’s email address, User-Agent: User’s browser software, Referer: Page user cam from by following a link, Authorization: User name and password, Client-IP: Clien’t IP address, Cookie: Server-generated ID label
-data mining
market research and other commercial purposes , science, intelligence gathering
Q.might data mining be used for the purposes of less powerful citizens?
A.news analysis, government “watch dog” operations
-architectures and inefficiencies
sometimes inefficient architectures, inefficient technologies are good technologies because they allow for or facilitate resistance by the less powerful in the face of powerful individuals, corporations and governments.
2008년 5월 17일 토요일
-we got a extension vut we ~ lost?
>memorize, navigator(how to there), saved pone number
-media 1.extension : we are well off. (<-we think)
2.prostheses : Without media, we could not live even a single day.
democratic _ selection of cource of the Germans
Social is uncomfortable(?)
Is it 'nature'?
camera not belong to anything
camera (similar) cyborg
2008년 5월 10일 토요일
(introduction to information technology )
-what’s in a game engine?
graphics?physics?ai?...and a lot more?
Above all can answer. Also,I think that it normality differ from age to age.
-what makes a good game?
play? or story? realism? or, is it something else?
Do it also differ from age to age?... example.. The majority of a child are not particularly good to exquisite(complicated.. hight quality)
-do games get better and better every year?
how? is it play? or, story? or, realism? or, is it something else?
I think "Yes". Example, In old times.. "Hexa" the present, "Sudden Attack"
-or maybe they don’t get better every year? maybe they get worse?
#Maby also.. "yes". Because game alsways change. But a kind of game of the past also continue is created.
-identification, space
from Sherry Turkle, “Video Games and Computer Holding Power”
Watch out! You have to do more than identify with a character on the screen.
-video games as ...video games as “metaphysical machines” ...as “perfect mirrors” ...as “drugs” ...as “contests”
-space: what’s a girl’s space/boy's space?
Game of the past is almost naver divide sex. but, many game of the present maby are divide sex. ex. present... "Counter-Strike"(boy's) and "The Sims"(girl's)
-hot and cool media
Cool media is telephone, speech
Hot medai are low in participation and cool media are high in participation or completion by the audience. Naturally, therefore, a hot medium ... has very different effects on the user from a cool medium...
-so, are video games hot or cool media?
Hum... hot..? or cool??
2008년 5월 3일 토요일
2008.04.30 & 05.04
-Modern times by Charlie Chaplin
factory(in movie)'s
advantage : Convenience
disadvantage : They don't know each other's name lesson:You are (not me) raning the future
-CSCW; computer-supported cooperative work : field of research and design
1.CAD(computer aided design)
2.CAM(computer aided manufacture)
3.DRUG:madicines production experiment, It estimate whether proteinic can doucking(combine)
-Winograd and Flores
the language/action perspective of work
every digital media technology has an architecture using diagrams to compare physical architectures with digital architectures
surveillance : watch
ex) parents are watch the child
architectures of surveillance
ex) (the first)panopticon
2008년 4월 26일 토요일
-key point
People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people.
-related points: aesthetics & teleology
questions of aesthetics, goals and intentions
do objects, technologies and natural phenomena have goals and intentions?
or, do they just look like they have goals and intentions?
- related points: design
If we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if they do, in fact, have goals and intentions, then we will design like an artificial intelligence researcher.
On the other hand, if we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if the just look like they have goals and intentions, then we will design like a tool builder for human “users” or “operators” of our tools.
-history of HCI
-Q.what problem does Weizenbaum’s ELIZA system address or solve?
the artificial intelligence answer: it does (or does not) behave like a human and is therefore successful (or not successful)
the ethnomethodology answer: it is taken to be a like a person in a conversation and thus simply works like most other technologies in a social situation
-Johnstone’s “algorithm”
-ethnomethodology: a definition
Ethnomethodology simply means the study of the ways in which people make sense of their social world.
-Ethnomethodology differs from other sociological perspectives in one very important respect:
Ethnomethodologists assume that social order is illusory. They believe that social life merely appears to be orderly; in reality it is potentially chaotic. For them social order is constructed in the minds of social actors as society confronts the individual as a series of sense impressions and experiences which she or he must somehow organise into a coherent pattern.
2008년 4월 12일 토요일
Alan Turing ...
who was founder of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, and a gay man.
The father of modern computing.
He originted the Turing Test and Turing Machine.
The Bombe, machine for Enigma decryption was invented.
Turing’s “imitation game”...
-“It is [the man's] object in the game to try and cause [the interrogator] to make the wrong identification.”
-“The object of the game for [the woman] is to help the interrogator.”
Can machines(computer) think? Then, What is think???
artificial intelligence ...
-“... artificial intelligence [AI] is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence [as] if done by [humans]”
planning as a technical problem...
-GPS planning as a technical problem (1957)
separated its knowledge of problems from its strategy of how to solve problems : not real-world problems : Soar
GPS as a “solution”: The General Problem Solver by Herbert Simon, Allen Newell, and Clifford
–story generation as a planning problem (1976)
TALESPIN as a “solution”
–story understanding as a plan recognition problem (1977)
FRUMP (Fast Reading, Understanding, and Memory Program) as a “solution”
–question answering as a problem
ELIZA as a “solution”
demo of ELIZA
2008년 4월 5일 토요일
key points
1.New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people.
2.(BUT) When new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.
social networks as science
•social network analysis is an interdisciplinary social science, but has been of especial concern to sociologists;
•recently, physicists and mathematicians have made large contributions to understanding networks in general (as graphs) and thus contributed to an understanding of social networks too.
•bridging capital /bonding capital
social networks as technology
-many networks.
-trick(invention) is possible.
•amazon.com’s feature
advantage: know think of other people,
disadvantage: exposure of inforamtion of oneself
social networks as popular culture
•friendster, orkut, tribe, cyworld etc.
social networks as art
•people are directly made network. forexample relation map
2008년 3월 28일 금요일
[3/27] my lecture summary.
www: the world-wide web
1.key point for today
People make media and then media make people.
#first, media was maked by people of past, but the present people borned in internet(media) age.
example, my name was maked by father before i borned. so i am in the name.
2.tim berners-lee: cv
#a founder of world-wide web(www).
3.questions: the world-wide web
#why www is maked, motivation: because necessity of space for preservation to many data
but problem of address.
also this is helped to many organization.:CERN, DARPA, INRIA, ERCIM, MIT and the www consortium.
who made a media? usually we think that we made it. but media made people that some people the past. except people just using the media.
4.what is the www?
-collaboratively, standard, vast
#media was already standardized. example, Not i make a blog, but we make it.:collaboratively.
also media link people and machines.
5.who wrote/influenced the www standards?
-ISO(international standards organization), IETF(internet engineering task force), RFC(request for comments), w3c(world-wide web consortium)
#we can join the w3c!0_0
6.uri: universal resource identifier
#this system can contact with variety information.
and url is ssu name, urn is persistent location:declare.
7.html:hypertext markup language
#this system do that computer file can effectibely transmit.
natwork protocol is rules to used when computers send information across the network.
this like ftp, smtp, nntp, etc.
2008년 3월 22일 토요일
[3/21] my lecture summary.
-two more key points for the course
1.When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
2.New media do not replace old media, they displace them.
#this is a little difficult concept. but i maybe a bit understanding.
medium always can be updated. but old medium is not disappear.
-tristan tzara, william burroughs, david bowie and the method of “cut-ups” + overview of mini-project one
#dadaism poem and hypertext is seem not relation. but dadaists are write to not think. and we don't know where idea of this poem come from. similarity, hypertext also, we are don't know that where destination.
'cut-ups' also is this example. this time this way is used many a area. (ex.David Bowie, e.g., “The Jean Genie” etc.)
-(revisiting vannevar bush and his essay “as we may think”)
-who is douglas engelbart?
-a reading of “augmenting human intellect”
-douglas engelbart’s famous demo
-who is ted nelson?
#first, vannevar bush plan concept of hypertext. first, ted nelson use word of 'hypertext'. first, diengelbart made real hypertext. also he invented mouse, windows, e-mail, and the word processor!
-hypertext as a new form of reading and writing
questions: augmenting human intellect
-what is the stated motivation of the research?
-what problem does this research address?
-who funded this research?
-what is the economics of the work (i.e., who will buy it?, sell it?, use it?)
-what is the stated genealogy of the technology?
-(who are the “dramatis personae” of the article?)
-what narrative strategies are employed in the article?
-othering: who are “we”? who are “they”?
or, more specifically, how is a machine un/like a person?
-what is “thinking”?
-what is “reading”?
-what is “writing”?
#he invent hypertext because "Man’s population and gross product are increasing at a considerable rate, but the complexity of his problems grows still faster, and the urgency with which solutions must be found becomes steadily greater… "(in article of engelbart)
engelbart have great persuasive. because many money and confidence is need.(for funds of experiment and creation)
-today's focus
Hypertext: One way that digital media has been understood is as new forms of writing, reading and thinking.
2008년 3월 15일 토요일
[3/12,14] my lecture summary.
-two key points
1.When digital media technologies connect or separate people, they become media.
2.Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships.
1.egg white (medium in art)
#egg white of ancient age is not only eat but also medium of picture and dyestuffs.(we can see a art in technologies.)
2.a car
#a car not only trancfer method. a car also is medium. Because rich people and pool people are differance a standpoint as cost of car. it is medium of politics.(we can see a politics in technologies.)
-Vannevar Bush “As We May Think”
he is a inventor of "differential analyzer(1931)".
he made the Memex(1938-1940). That time, there is many information. Because people difficult to search the information. and he imagin memex.(motivation) To one's surprise nowadays, it is like computer(web).
-George Boole : the inventor of Boolean algebra
#Basic of computer arithmetic(although computers did not exist in his day.)
-Charles babbage, “difference engine(1848)"
#originated the idea of a programmable computer.(also an English mathematician, philosopher, and mechanical engineer)
-the two building blocks of computers
1.switches: a steering element that can combine multiple signals into a single signal
2.connectors: the connecting element must have the ability to branch , so that a single output can feed many inputs.
As we may think_article
*reding a summary translation of The Atlantic Monthly magargin
#it say, maybe spread(communication) of information is as importance as study result.
cf)summary of Vannevar Vush "As We May Think"
##i think
like mostly student are feel, i also interested in Memex. he is a really great. the other side, i think too just thinking and imagine is just imagine....
egg white!medium! in lecture of today, i replay know mean. egg white is medium of art..!!
##my opinion
in advance, english homework is very difficult problem. I be many worried before subject.(also now.) because my english abllity(grammar, word etc) and how i do solve this subject. after all, i solve but still don't know whether this way is correct.) i am summarize lecture just in my way.