hypertext: as we may write
-two more key points for the course
1.When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
2.New media do not replace old media, they displace them.
#this is a little difficult concept. but i maybe a bit understanding.
medium always can be updated. but old medium is not disappear.
-tristan tzara, william burroughs, david bowie and the method of “cut-ups” + overview of mini-project one
#dadaism poem and hypertext is seem not relation. but dadaists are write to not think. and we don't know where idea of this poem come from. similarity, hypertext also, we are don't know that where destination.
'cut-ups' also is this example. this time this way is used many a area. (ex.David Bowie, e.g., “The Jean Genie” etc.)
-(revisiting vannevar bush and his essay “as we may think”)
-who is douglas engelbart?
-a reading of “augmenting human intellect”
-douglas engelbart’s famous demo
-who is ted nelson?
#first, vannevar bush plan concept of hypertext. first, ted nelson use word of 'hypertext'. first, diengelbart made real hypertext. also he invented mouse, windows, e-mail, and the word processor!
-hypertext as a new form of reading and writing
questions: augmenting human intellect
-what is the stated motivation of the research?
-what problem does this research address?
-who funded this research?
-what is the economics of the work (i.e., who will buy it?, sell it?, use it?)
-what is the stated genealogy of the technology?
-(who are the “dramatis personae” of the article?)
-what narrative strategies are employed in the article?
-othering: who are “we”? who are “they”?
or, more specifically, how is a machine un/like a person?
-what is “thinking”?
-what is “reading”?
-what is “writing”?
#he invent hypertext because "Man’s population and gross product are increasing at a considerable rate, but the complexity of his problems grows still faster, and the urgency with which solutions must be found becomes steadily greater… "(in article of engelbart)
engelbart have great persuasive. because many money and confidence is need.(for funds of experiment and creation)
-today's focus
Hypertext: One way that digital media has been understood is as new forms of writing, reading and thinking.
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