2008년 3월 28일 금요일

[3/27] my lecture summary.

www: the world-wide web

1.key point for today
People make media and then media make people.
#first, media was maked by people of past, but the present people borned in internet(media) age.
example, my name was maked by father before i borned. so i am in the name.
2.tim berners-lee: cv
#a founder of world-wide web(www).
3.questions: the world-wide web
#why www is maked, motivation: because necessity of space for preservation to many data
but problem of address.
also this is helped to many organization.:CERN, DARPA, INRIA, ERCIM, MIT and the www consortium.
who made a media? usually we think that we made it. but media made people that some people the past. except people just using the media.
4.what is the www?
-collaboratively, standard, vast
#media was already standardized. example, Not i make a blog, but we make it.:collaboratively.
also media link people and machines.
5.who wrote/influenced the www standards?
-ISO(international standards organization), IETF(internet engineering task force), RFC(request for comments), w3c(world-wide web consortium)
#we can join the w3c!0_0
6.uri: universal resource identifier
#this system can contact with variety information.
and url is ssu name, urn is persistent location:declare.
7.html:hypertext markup language
#this system do that computer file can effectibely transmit.
natwork protocol is rules to used when computers send information across the network.
this like ftp, smtp, nntp, etc.

2008년 3월 22일 토요일

[3/21] my lecture summary.

hypertext: as we may write

-two more key points for the course
1.When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
2.New media do not replace old media, they displace them.
#this is a little difficult concept. but i maybe a bit understanding.
medium always can be updated. but old medium is not disappear.
-tristan tzara, william burroughs, david bowie and the method of “cut-ups” + overview of mini-project one
#dadaism poem and hypertext is seem not relation. but dadaists are write to not think. and we don't know where idea of this poem come from. similarity, hypertext also, we are don't know that where destination.
'cut-ups' also is this example. this time this way is used many a area. (ex.David Bowie, e.g., “The Jean Genie” etc.)
-(revisiting vannevar bush and his essay “as we may think”)
-who is douglas engelbart?
-a reading of “augmenting human intellect”
-douglas engelbart’s famous demo
-who is ted nelson?
#first, vannevar bush plan concept of hypertext. first, ted nelson use word of 'hypertext'. first, diengelbart made real hypertext. also he invented mouse, windows, e-mail, and the word processor!
-hypertext as a new form of reading and writing
questions: augmenting human intellect
-what is the stated motivation of the research?
-what problem does this research address?
-who funded this research?
-what is the economics of the work (i.e., who will buy it?, sell it?, use it?)
-what is the stated genealogy of the technology?
-(who are the “dramatis personae” of the article?)
-what narrative strategies are employed in the article?
-othering: who are “we”? who are “they”?
or, more specifically, how is a machine un/like a person?
-what is “thinking”?
-what is “reading”?
-what is “writing”?
#he invent hypertext because "Man’s population and gross product are increasing at a considerable rate, but the complexity of his problems grows still faster, and the urgency with which solutions must be found becomes steadily greater… "(in article of engelbart)
engelbart have great persuasive. because many money and confidence is need.(for funds of experiment and creation)
-today's focus
Hypertext: One way that digital media has been understood is as new forms of writing, reading and thinking.

2008년 3월 15일 토요일

[3/12,14] my lecture summary.

welcome to the present_ppt
-two key points
1.When digital media technologies connect or separate people, they become media.
2.Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships.
1.egg white (medium in art)
#egg white of ancient age is not only eat but also medium of picture and dyestuffs.(we can see a art in technologies.)
2.a car
#a car not only trancfer method. a car also is medium. Because rich people and pool people are differance a standpoint as cost of car. it is medium of politics.(we can see a politics in technologies.)
-Vannevar Bush “As We May Think”
he is a inventor of "differential analyzer(1931)".
he made the Memex(1938-1940). That time, there is many information. Because people difficult to search the information. and he imagin memex.(motivation) To one's surprise nowadays, it is like computer(web).
-George Boole : the inventor of Boolean algebra
#Basic of computer arithmetic(although computers did not exist in his day.)
-Charles babbage, “difference engine(1848)"
#originated the idea of a programmable computer.(also an English mathematician, philosopher, and mechanical engineer)
-the two building blocks of computers
1.switches: a steering element that can combine multiple signals into a single signal
2.connectors: the connecting element must have the ability to branch , so that a single output can feed many inputs.

As we may think_article
*reding a summary translation of The Atlantic Monthly magargin
#it say, maybe spread(communication) of information is as importance as study result.
cf)summary of Vannevar Vush "As We May Think"

##i think
like mostly student are feel, i also interested in Memex. he is a really great. the other side, i think too just thinking and imagine is just imagine....
egg white!medium! in lecture of today, i replay know mean. egg white is medium of art..!!
##my opinion
in advance, english homework is very difficult problem. I be many worried before subject.(also now.) because my english abllity(grammar, word etc) and how i do solve this subject. after all, i solve but still don't know whether this way is correct.) i am summarize lecture just in my way.

